Are you a publisher/distributor/film industry executive looking for leading creative developers, a developer looking for a strategic partner or a game trendsetter with an opinion...join this blog for weekly themed community discussions and featured surprise guest a community and meet at GDC 2009 San Francisco and GDC 2009 Vancouver

In the Penalty Box: Post-GDC San Francisco

Thanks to all blog participants and readers who chimed in to The Puck Stops Here! and contributed to the fun and informative discussions. Stay tuned as we move the blog to Vancouver in the lead-up to GDC Canada in May. In the meantime, we invite you to post about your GDC San Francisco experience below!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Some Quick Non-Obvious Tips for GDC

The Game Developers Conference is a big crazy event! There are so many people and so much going on, you really need to prepare in order to maximize your investment in attending.
You can likely google up plenty of articles and guides for GDC, or even conferences in general, so I thought I’d share some non-obvious tips.

1 – Wear comfortable shoes: You are going to be walking a lot. A lot. Don’t worry so much about being stylish, focus more so on survival! While flip-flops may not be appropriate for meetings, do balance looking nice with being able to locomote.

2- Biz cards, not biz plans: During casual networking and other social encounters, don’t overwhelm people with your business plan and/or game demo. Most folks just want to chat, meet interesting people and have a drink to unwind. Also, most folks are totally NOT in a position or mode to accept pitches, etc. So, instead, focus on making connections, swapping biz cards, and just generally build up your professional network. The pitch can come later, when your new buddy introduces you to his biz dev friend at a publisher.

3- Party!: Go to parties and social functions. Not to get drunk and dance like a maniac, but because it is the most efficient way to meet new people and make connections. That said, don’t kill yourself to get into the “cool” parties. If you don’t have an invite, just move on. There’s over 15,000 people at GDC, the vast majority of them do not get invited…

4- No Swag: Don’t waste your time chasing down free t-shirts and other giveaways. Sure, if someone just hands it to you as you walk past, take it! But, in most cases, you have to stand in line, or complete some kind of quiz, etc. Is a $10 t-shirt really worth your precious at-GDC time?
5- Divide and conquer: If you are attending with your co-workers, don’t stick together like a big Katamari blob! Split up and spread out to gain more coverage. This is true at parties, or during lunch breaks (i.e., sit a different tables), and choosing which sessions to attend, etc. You all know each other already.

6- Do some learning: There’s a ton of awesome sessions at GDC. Content you wouldn’t get anywhere else. Take the time to review the program and pick a few choice sessions, even if it means you have to black out that time for meetings. A well picked session could provide that aha! moment you’ve been needing. This doesn’t mean you just pop into the big name keynotes… Really take the time to review the program for stuff that is specific to your current needs.
Most importantly, have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's an addendum to your well-advised comfy shoes tip: if you've never been to the show, check the map when planning your schedule. The conference is split into two rather large buildings. Bouncing from one summit to the other may look clever on paper, but be prepared for a haul if there's a ten minute break between two session in two different buildings.